Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mass Prayer

Why does Bibek Anander Satsang place so much emphasis on mass prayer? The spiritual force that individual prayer generates is multiplied many times when prayer is done collectively. The force generated by prayer radiates the whole area where the mass prayer is being held. The power generated by the mass prayer (ganaprarthana) is so immense that it can be harnessed for healing, for removing social injustices, and for spiritual upliftment and peace at individual, familial, national and global levels. Positive changes come about in the minds and hearts of people in the radius of the prayer meeting, as far as the vibrations of the prayer meeting travel. If done properly, mass prayer can remove much of the prarabdha karma that is the cause of our bondage. Gour Baba would say that those who attended prayers regularly would find that many potential disasters in their lives were passing them by, or causing a minimal discomfort.

Many devotees find that they become spiritually uplifted when they attend the prayer meeting. The kundalini shakti rises, and this charging of one's 'spiritual battery' lasts till the next prayer meeting, if accompanied by a little daily practice of contemplation. When Acharya Sri Gour Ganguly would fall ill because of the accumulation of the sufferings he had absorbed from others, he would tell his devotees to organise a prayer meeting, saying,"Prathana sabha korle-i aami bhalo hoye jaabo" (I will become well if there is a prayer meeting). Many like me who have attended prayer meetings regularly over many years find they can sense the times when a spiritual current flows through the gathering, marking the presence of spiritual masters like Sri Ramakrishna, Ma Sarada, Swami Vivekananda and Gour Baba. When I was a student, I would attend prayer meetings even if they were on the eve of major exams. I never regretted it, and today, many of my Vivek Vani Shiksha Kendra students also attend prayer meetings no matter what, and find that their lives are gently aided and guided by divine blessings.

Mass prayer does not necessarily mean that thousands of people have to be present. Even of a few truly spiritual persons are present, and are praying in a focused way, the prayer meeting can be just as effective. However, some things must be kept in mind to ensure the efficacy of the prayer. The people at the prayer meeting must leave all disputes and differences behind when when they sit for the prayer, otherwise the negative vibrations are clearly felt, and disturb the tranquility of the mass prayer and meditation. Just as there must be a few minutes of complete silence (inner and outer) before the prayer meeting, there must not be useless chattering immediately after the prayer. Feel and enjoy the power absorbed from the gana prarthana - by talking unnecessarily and socialising after prayer, one is frittering away the good vibes that must be held on to and cultivated.

After every prayer meeting, Gour Baba would ask us what we thought the impact of the prayer meeting was. In this he was teaching us something. Quality assessment. Every prayer meeting must strive to be of the highest standard in terms of choice of songs, readings, discussions - there can be no slackness - so that each time equally high levels of spiritual power are generated. We should tune in to the reactions and feedback of the people who attended the prayer meeting and strive to improve on the previous prayer. In emphasizing the need to assess the impact of each prayer meeting, he was teaching us to be aware that it is through the prayer meeting that we generate our inner power. The mass prayer is the dynamo of Bibek Anander Satsang.

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